Dienstag, 22. Mai 2012


Donate for Gold


Dear friends, fans and members of our martial arts residence. Unfortunately, for some time now, after the regrettable, disciplinary resignation of our former European boss, we have had a few problems with our page here on Facebook. Posts by other administrators, for example, were illegally deleted in order to cover up the former European boss's hate speech and hate speech. We don't cover up. We don't live in the country: "Make a wish", but in the country: "That's how it is"! We will not allow hatred and agitation against US or against OTHERS and persecute them consistently and have them punished in accordance with the law.
No deletions from fanatic supporters of the hate speaker are permitted and that administrator is reported to Facebook.
WE support honest, real and verifiable graduations from internationally certified academic experts and thus support the quality of education for our children, young people and trainers. If you have any questions, I am available at: https://www.facebook.com/renshidanielza.paulataikunedo

Thank you for your understanding
Your Danielza


Donate for Silver

Donate for Honorable Membership

The International Hall of Honour of the international martial arts "Hall of Honor ™" was phil of the CEO double peak Kyoshi Dr. Alberto Marchese and Hanshi Dr. Ing. Klaus-Norbert Arndt launched in 2000 to life. Here only the most successful and outstanding Budoka be included in the world to be awarded by the outstanding achievements in international tournaments and / or have achieved in the education and training of students of martial arts on regional success. In contrast to the usual world's pantheon, the proportion of mental development of the savings achieved to warm up for the hälftigen share compared to the physical development process Honorary Member, make up. An elected Commission of the International Martial Arts University TIMAUC ™ and the International Budo Federation IMAFF ™ and our esteemed partners choose from the large number of applicants each year for inclusion in the International Hall of Honor. The special feature of the inclusion in the honor section , is that honorary members according to the warrior code of the samurai, in dishonorable behavior also can be excluded for life again. There are generally only DAN members listed in the honor section, unless a person has made an honorary capacity and / or outstanding science deserves. In this case, the Commission assigns the person performing relevant and justified exceptional cases, a DAN degrees.The title "Member of IMAFF® Hall of Honor ™" was protected as a trademark.This honor list iste world protected by copyright law and the honors and awards can also be withdrawn HERE for dishonorable behavior of / the undersigned Substituted ducks !. For registration and or references to Honorable people, please use the email: imaff-certification@mail.com and the ONLY SUBJECT "Respect and Honor"!


Hall of Honorable Members EVER

Die internationale Ehrenhalle der internationalen Kampfkünste "Hall of Honor™" wurde von der CEO-Doppelspitze Kyoshi Dr. phil. Alberto Marchese und Hanshi Dr. Ing. Klaus-Norbert Arndtim Jahre 2000 ins Leben gerufen. Hier werden nur besonders erfolgreiche und herausragende Budoka weltweit aufgenommen, die sich durch aussergewöhnlicheLeistungen bei internationalen Turnieren ausgezeichnet und/oder bei der Aus-und Weiterbildung von Schülern und Studenten der Kampfkünste überregionale Erfolgeerzielt haben. Im Gegensatz zu den weltweit üblichen Ruhmeslisten, muss der Anteil der geistigen Entwicklung am erzielten Erfolg mindesten den hälftigen Anteilim Vergleich zum physischen Entwicklungsprozess des Ehrenmitgliedes, ausmachen. Eine gewählte Kommission der International Martial Arts University-TIMAUC™ sowie der internationale BUDO-Verband IMAFF™ und unsere hochgeschätzten Partner entscheiden aus der Vielzahl der Bewerber, jedes Jahr über die Aufnahme in die internationale Hall of Honor. Die Besonderheit bei der Aufnahme in dieseEhrenrubrik, besteht darin, dass Ehrenmitglieder entsprechend des Krieger-Codex der Samurai, bei unehrenhaftem Verhalten auch wieder auf Lebenszeit ausgeschlossenwerden können. Es werden generell nur DAN-Mitglieder in der Ehrenrubrik gelistet, es sei denn eine Person hat sich ehrenamtlich und/oder wissenschaftlichherausragend verdient gemacht. In diesem Fall ordnet die Kommission der Person leistungsrelevant und in besonders begründeten Ausnahmefällen einen DAN-Grad zu.